Where the Heart is

Home, sweet home. What a true statement! I recently returned from a week long family vacation. I will use the term “vacation” lightly because this busy week consisted of 4 states, 4 places of residency, 6 airports, and over 20 hours flying. Oh, boy. Some serious relaxation time is in order for me! But overall, the trip was spectacular and spending time with my dad and brothers was even better. It’s a tragedy how rarely we get this quality time, especially since we all have graduated and are, as they say, out in the real world now. However, amidst the separations, I identify one ray of sunshine, one string of silver lining. We all have the same home in common. This means that despite living in different cities, attending different schools, leading separate lives, and becoming enveloped in diverse cultures, we all come back to the same place. The familiar smells, sounds, lights, colors, and cozy atmosphere are ours, unique to the bonds within our family. My home feels safe to me. It is my prayer this week that each person remembers there own special place of safety. And if something has polluted this place for you, then I sincerely hope that one day you will explore and create a home of your own to share with others. So, if you have a quick minute, say a prayer of thankfulness for the place that you rested your head for some very magical, growing years in your life.
Preach it, Dorothy. |
Happy Tuesday to all!
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