Monday, June 20, 2011

Wall Décor

Hello, dearies! Thank you for turning your shining faces this way once again.

This past week was a busy, blurry whirlwind. It’s likely that I set a record for how many appointments someone can have in a seven day period. Plus, I wrote a paper that had a page requirement that was far too long for my tiny, summer attention span. So, I apologize for being sporadic in my posts.

Throughout my travels this week (most of which were around the Phoenix area—glamorous, I know), I came across bundles of inspiring wall décor. From classic vintage to sleek and modern, these pieces each had unique flair. If I had to put a few adjectives to these furnishings, they would be as follows: positive, comforting, lovely. Curious to join the insiders’ club and see these precious pieces? Take a looksie at a few of my favorites below!

Today, make a point to rejoice in Christ's sacrifice for you! Give thanks, be slow to anger and quick to love.
Happy Monday!


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