Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Pieces

Hello and good morning Wednesday goers! Can you believe we are already half way through the week? I can’t believe how time flies during the summertime.
This morning, I woke up and started my usual routine by flipping on the news while I made breakfast. I just happened to catch the weatherman predicting a day of 111 degrees for tomorrow. 111! Oh Phoenix, we have different definitions of summer.

Let’s try to not let this rain on the parade, though. Think beyond the heat and try to remember summers in different years and places that could capture the magic of this season. Here are a few summer staples I remember:

Flowers are my number one.

Spending time outdoors in the sunshine
(One day I'll live in a place where this is possible)

The sea. It always seems extra blue in the summertime.

Traveling to magical places while wearing beautiful clothes and sun hats.

Beautiful spots to escape the routine.

Summer love is so cliché, yet so marvelous.
Don't give up hope, cherubs; this heat will pass. Summer is a state of mind, not just a passing season.


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