Friday, August 5, 2011

Healthy Hair

Good morning, petunias. I hope your spirits are high on this lovely day. Mine are! As of late, I've been especially interested in hair. Hair cuts, hair styles, hair textures, hair health. Hair is such a pivotal part of the head and the possibilities are nearly endless. In my little hair-interest-kick, I've come across some helpful tips to improve hair health and appearance. Read and try!

Dampen your ends with water before an at-home color treatment.
The ends are extra porous and will absorb more pigment than the rest of the hair. Wetting the ends prevents excess damage.

Deep condition hair twice a month.
With frequent flat iron, blow dryer, and curling iron use, hair undergoes much heat stress. It’s important to counter this damage with treatments that provide your strands with extra moisture and healing ingredients.

Give your hair a break.
Every once in awhile, wear your hair in its natural state. Let your hair breathe free from gels, sprays, and serums. It also feels surprisingly refreshing to not tamper with or change my natural hair.

Eat the right things.
Hair is just another part of the body, and so the following applies: you are what you eat. Hair reflects the nutrients (or lack thereof) that are consumed on a daily basis. Try adding more of the following to your daily eats for improved hair health and look:

Fish (salmon, etc.)
The fatty acids in salmon support scalp health. A healthy scalp goes hand in hand with healthy hair.

Nuts (walnuts especially)
Nuts contain alpha-linolenic acids. These acids boost condition and texture of hair. Nuts also contain zinc, a mineral that helps prevent hair shedding.

Dark green vegetables (spinach, etc.)
Dark green vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins A and C, which are key in the production of selum. Selum is like the body's natural conditioner for hair.

Dairy (milk, milk!)
The calcium in dairy products is crucial in hair growth and strength.

Carrots are great sources of vitamin A, which helps with hair shine and luminosity.

Followers, why not take a few minutes and give your hair a makeover? It’s at the top of my to-do list. Enjoy your weekends; I hope they are free and peaceful. 


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