Oh, sweet freedom. |
Hello Lovelies,
This week has been one of the most relaxing, lovely, and special weeks I have had in 2011 thus far. You may ask why or how or what I did differently, but I have nothing extraordinary to report. I didn’t travel anywhere significant, get any awards or medals, get a raise, or win the lottery. I didn’t even get a winning hair cut (although, I do need one asap!). But, one thing I did do was take time to soak up the beauty and blessings in the life with which I’ve been blessed.
This past ’10-’11 school year was chaos. I felt like I was on a lightning-speed train that never took stops. My year looked like classes, homework, hall events, work, RA duty and meetings, friend time when possible, and bits of interrupted sleep whenever I could. It was a whirlwind of a year, and I am confident in saying that it stretched me to the brink and back again. But I’m thankful for every piece of it, every moment, every tear, every laugh. I would like to get in the habit of thanking Jesus in the midst of confusion and turmoil—not just when everything is going my way, and I am standing on a mountain instead of in a valley. Barrie (aka Daddy) challenged me to do this one day when I was a bit down. His words were, “Punkin, thank the Lord for his hand in your life, even if you can’t see or experience the good in it yet.” Barrie is one of the wisest I know. How blessed I am to be his daughter! Sorry, that was a little bunny trail. Reverting back to the subject at hand. Since school and finals ended and summer has seemingly crept up on us, I have this new time on my hands to relax. Unfortunately, in all the crazy business of the year, I found it hard to notice the finer things in life—the little things that normally would have brought a smile to my face or stirred my affection. But better later than never! I’m not about to waste anymore time. This summer, I am determined to intentionally take time for the roses. I look forward to all the beauty, obvious and hidden, that this summer has for us all. Here are a few bits of summer that I am especially looking forward to:
summer perks: bare feet & long skirts
sweet summer treats: ice cream & fruit salad
ocean waves: to experience & to look at
running: for the love of it & in races
books: old & new to read for pleasure
fashion endeavours: vintage & more
family trips to Seattle: endless barbeques & horseback riding
road trips: winding roads & great friends
summer sun: sunglasses & squinty eyes
beach time: beach swings & beach hair
summer days: afternoon meadows & afternoon naps
I hope that this summer looks like a clean slate for you. I know it does for me. Make friends, trips- both imaginary and real, conversation, splashes, memories.